Dear College Family, First and foremost, I want to thank each and every one of you once again for your […]
Decision Reversed Affecting F-1 Students Taking Online Classes due to COVID-19
Dear MDC International Students, We are very pleased to announce that U.S. officials have reversed the decision requiring international students […]
Temporary Exemptions for F-1 Students Taking Online Classes due to COVID-19
Dear MDC International Students, Miami Dade College is aware of the modifications made this week by the U.S. Immigration and […]
Welcome to MDC’s 2020 Summer Term
Dear MDC Family, Welcome to Miami Dade College’s 2020 summer term. I want to thank everyone for staying focused on […]
What Can You Expect During MDC’s Phase 1 Reopening?
Dear MDC Family, As you saw in President Montoya’s message, Miami Dade College is entering Phase 1 of our COVID […]
Miami Dade College’s Pandemic Recovery Plan
Dear MDC Family, As we prepare to implement Phase 1 of Miami Dade College’s balanced 3-phase pandemic recovery plan starting […]