A Message from the MDC Office of Emergency Management – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update #1
We want to share additional resources and steps that Miami Dade College is taking to help keep everyone safe and healthy during the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) first identified in Wuhan, China.
Coronavirus Awareness and Guidance
Miami Dade College (MDC) continues closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and is coordinating efforts with the appropriate local and state authorities in alignment with other educational institutions in the region. At this time, Miami-Dade County has not issued a state of emergency in connection with COVID-19. The Florida Department of Health is coordinating the public health response which includes providing updated information and guidance to the College and others.

“Startup Nation” Unites the Israeli and South Florida High-Tech Industry
2018 Conference Will Highlight Emerging Trends in Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence and more

Opportunity Changes Everything
MDC student Enrique Sepulveda triumphs over difficult circumstances and excels academically.