A new scholarship fund spearheaded by philanthropists and longtime Key Biscayne residents, William and Toby Rohrer, is helping more dreams […]

Five Miami Dade College Faculty Named 2018 Endowed Teaching Chairs
Miami Dade College recognized five faculty members with the College’s highest honor Tuesday night, Dec. 18, earning the distinction of […]

Hungry for Education
“It took losing everything for my life to flick on,” says Ijamyn Gray, a year after Hurricane Irma devastated his […]

A Heart for Helping Less Fortunate Youth
Gerald Sprayregen says philanthropy is rewarding, but more importantly, he hopes the youth touched by his work find inspiration to […]

Social Venture Partners Miami Teams Up with MDC to Award Student Scholarships
Miami Dade College Foundation has collaborated with Social Venture Partners Miami (SVP Miami) to establish a $200,000 scholarship fund for […]

MDC Journalism Fund Named in Memory of Pulitzer Prize-winning Photographer Alan Diaz
Family, friends and colleagues of Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Alan Diaz have established a memorial fund at Miami Dade College (MDC) […]