Happy Birthday MDC! Help us celebrate the day the College opened in 1960, by taking part in campus events and giving to scholarship funds.

MDC Celebrates Alumni Hall of Fame
The 20th anniversary of the annual event celebrates MDC alumni leaders across the nation

I AM MDC Day Raises $1.4 Million for Scholarships
Miami Dade College (MDC) raised more than $1.4 million during its 6th Annual I AM MDC Day. I AM MDC […]

MDC Gave Me Confidence
Gabriel Crespo, ’11, developed the confidence and skills at MDC he needed to learn, grow and excel. Today, he manages […]

Leaving a Legacy of Mentorship
Sarah I. Zabel is a former judge of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court, Civil Division, in Florida. She served on […]

A Voice for the Community
“This pandemic is something that no one has been through. I am dealing with it as a human – a […]