The QEP Prize Patrol Is Coming to Your CampusHow much do you know about the QEP?

By now, we hope you are pretty familiar with the College’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), “Writing for the Real World: Strengthening Writing and Career Knowledge.” To promote even greater awareness of the QEP, and to reward you for being such great students, the QEP Prize Patrol is coming to your campus.

On Oct. 13-17, the QEP Prize Patrol will give out t-shirts, pens and water bottles to students who can correctly answer questions about the QEP. To win these prizes, you’ll need to do a little homework.

We’ve made studying up on the QEP easy. Simply go to the QEP website and read up on this important initiative. Take the QEP Readiness Assessment, and you could also win a $25 gift certificate. By taking the assessment, you’ll also find out whether you’re ready to take on the Prize Patrol.

Do you know enough about the QEP to win some prizes? Find out today!