Architecture students study fundamental design elements by building structures that they hope will protect a fragile egg dropped from a great height.
Posts with the Science & Technology tag:

Makers Make the World a Better Place
The Maker Faire is a fun, engaging way for families to discover the art of making things with your own hands.

STEM Education at MDC On the Rise
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, 80% of the most desired job candidates have degrees in the fields of […]

Innovation Based On Workforce and Market Needs
Over the last few years, entrepreneurship has seen explosive growth in Miami. Ever at the forefront, Miami Dade College launched […]

Earth Day 2016
Every day is Earth Day at Earth Ethics Institute which fosters awareness of global interdependence and the need to care for our planet.

Video: Students Can Now Use MAGIC to Embark on a Dream Career
MDC opens animation and game design studio