Axis Magazine wins Pacemaker Award, The Reporter wins Reporter of the Year, other finalists and honorable mentions also lauded

I Remember Miami
MOAD artwork invites the public to join in a virtual, collective space of memory and connection

MDC’s Miami Film Festival Announces 2020 Lineup
“The Burnt Orange Heresy” and “Mucho Mucho Amor” to open and close festival

“Where the Oceans Meet” at MOAD Named Among Top 20 Exhibitions
Museum of Art and Design exhibition ranked as a top art show in U.S. by influential publication

Camilo Rojas: Power of UnkNOWn
New World School of the Arts graduate presents a solo exhibition featuring text based mirrors and light sculptures

Miami Book Fair — Autores Iberoaméricanos
La prestigiosa Feria Internacional del Libro de Miami del Miami Dade College regresa, en su trigésima sexta edición del 17 […]