Thank You, and Let’s Prepare for a Safe Return Sept. 28

Dear MDC family,

Thank you, for your resilience, patience and hard work during the last six months. We know conditions have been less than ideal yet we have persevered.

Please know the safety and health of the College family remain our top priority. As we have mentioned in several messages, we are now moving toward an anticipated, phased return to campus on September 28 due to the improving COVID conditions, including a positivity rate of less than 10% over the last two weeks, and guidance from local and state officials. Please note that strict safety measures will be in place indefinitely including social distancing, the requirement of facial coverings, reduced room capacities and many other protocols. We don’t take these decisions lightly and have made them in consultation with many internal and external stakeholders. We also understand that to better serve some segments of our student population, face-to-face interactions in a safe manner are necessary.

In the coming days, students, faculty and staff will receive more detailed instructions from the Provost to facilitate a safe and smooth return.

Once again, we thank everyone for their tenacity. We have missed seeing all of you and look forward with much optimism to our physical return to our beloved Miami Dade College.


Dr. Rolando Montoya
Interim President
Miami Dade College