Upcoming Summer Events at the Idea Center at the Miami Dade College

Miami, May 5, 2017 – This summer, an exciting roster of entrepreneurs and professionals in various industries will bring their skills and know-how to The Idea Center at Miami Dade College (MDC).  The line-up will feature guest speakers for MarketHack and the Visual Storytelling Xperience. An exchange with Brazilian business leaders and a showcase of innovations from CS50x Miami will also be featured. All events are free and open to the public, RSVP is encouraged.

The Idea Center @MDC is the college’s hub of innovation, the place where students from all disciplines can gather, collaborate and take advantage of resources and training to develop their entrepreneurial ideas. Through cutting-edge entrepreneurship education, professional development and experiential learning, students and community members can acquire the tools needed to identify challenges and develop solutions. The Idea Center has several components including MarketHack, CREATE accelerator, CodePro, The Startup Challenge, and the Innovation Lab, to name a few. It is made possible through the support of Knight Foundation.

Following is the schedule for upcoming events:

MarketHack Graduation Address with Max Borges: What Geniuses Taught Me about How to Be an Entrepreneur

May 9, at 6 p.m.

The fourth cohort of the Idea Center’s digital marketing program, MarketHack will close with student pitch presentations and a keynote address from Max Borges, founder of the Max Borges Agency.

To RSVP, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/upcoming-talk-at-mdc-what-geniuses-taught-me-about-how-to-be-an-entrepreneur-tickets-34116859445?aff=es2


Visual Storytelling Graduation Address

May 11, at 5:30 p.m.

The inaugural cohort of the Visual Storytelling Xperience will be presenting their final projects and keynote address on the future of Visual Storytelling including 360 video from the Visual

Storytelling Institute
To RSVP, visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/experience-the-power-of-storytelling-tickets-33928713696?aff=es2


Boosting Business Innovation, Rio de Janeiro Business Mission to Florida

May 22, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Organized in partnership with the Rio de Janeiro Chamber of Commerce (ACRio), it is aimed at expanding cooperation and mutual exchange of innovation in the generation of international business in the fields of entrepreneurship, creative economy, smart cities, high technology, education and tourism.  The event is open to working media only.


Launch of Third Cohort of the CREATE Program

May 30 through Aug. 3

Fifteen teams will be selected to join the third cohort of CREATE, the go-to-market program where students refine their existing prototypes through experiential learning and customer validation. Through the “get out of the building” approach, students will test their prototypes with potential customers and challenge assumptions about their business model.  The program’s curriculum and mentoring provide a blueprint for students to scale their business model and achieve a product-market fit.  Applications to join CREATE are accepted now through May 18.


CS50x Miami Project Fair

June 12, at 6 p.m.

The sixth cohort of CS50x Miami, the computer science program at The Idea Center with curriculum based on Harvard’s most popular computer science class, has ended with more than 60 participants. After 20 weeks of learning the fundamentals of computer science, and specialized tracks in JavaScript, C# and IOS, the participants will be presenting their final projects and innovations to the public.


For more information, visit http://theideacenter.co/