Miami Dade College’s InterAmerican Campus to Present Zika Summer 2017 Progress Report Status and Future Plans  

Students will Encourage Community to Fight the Bite to Reduce Mosquito Population 

Miami, June 27, 2017Miami Dade College’s (MDC) InterAmerican Campus will present the Zika Sumer 2017 Summer Progress Report Status and Futures Plans on Wednesday, June 28, at noon.

Chalmers Vasquez, manager of the Mosquito Control Office in Miami-Dade County and Xeniamaria Rodriguez, senior health educator from the states of Florida Health Department will present the latest findings and activities being conducted to reduce and control mosquito population.  Data will be shared on ongoing investigations regarding local infestation areas, types of larvicides and adulticides being employed. The number of planned mosquito traps, used to monitor presence of mosquito-bearing the Zika virus in Miami-Dade County has increased from 6 in 2016 to 150 in 2017.

Furthermore, they will also share with us the progress being made on the Zika vaccine development and the statistics on neurological disabilities of babies born to mother that acquired the virus early in their pregnancies.  According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), about 15% of mothers that acquired the Zika virus in the first trimester of their pregnancy, had babies with neurological conditions associated to the virus.

Mosquito-borne illnesses, such as the Zika virus continue to be a growing concern. To combat this increasing problem, students from MDC’s InterAmerican Campus will be reaching out to residents in the community Saturday, July 8, at 8:30 a.m., to increase awareness of mosquito-borne illnesses and ways to reduce the mosquito population.

IAC students will distribute informational materials in the community to let residents know how they can stop the growth of the mosquito population, and the importance to control mosquitos to avoid Zika, dengue, chikungunya, etc. all viruses transmitted by mosquitos.

Some prevention methods include eliminating mosquito breeding places such as stagnant water and containers with water.  Also, draining and covering water containers to help reduce mosquito population.  Students will also provide community residents with ways to help reduce incidents of mosquito bites, what to apply to the skin to repel mosquitos and the hours of high mosquito activity.