Miami Dade College Urges Florida Voters to Support Amendment 7   

Vote YES for Amendment 7 on November 6! Punch #280 on your ballot!

MIAMI, Oct. 17, 2018 –  Miami Dade College (MDC) applauds today’s Florida Supreme Court ruling to leave Amendment 7 on the November ballot, and urges Floridians to vote YES on Amendment 7, which provides college tuition to the survivors of first responders and military members killed on duty; requires university trustees to agree by a two-thirds super-majority to raise college fees (not including tuition); and places the national model Florida College System (FCS) in the State Constitution. Florida’s Public Universities and K-12 Systems are in the State Constitution, but State Colleges are not.

Known as the First Responder and Higher Ed Amendment, Amendment 7 would finally recognize, at a statewide level, the invaluable role of MDC and the other 27 institutions comprising the FCS as the backbone of Florida’s workforce training and economy.

Nearly 800,000 Floridians —and almost 65 percent of recent high school graduates across the state— depend on FCS institutions for their education and professional advancement. These colleges are our communities’ greatest equalizers, and support to ensure they are included in the State Constitution will only further solidify the critical mission of addressing the evolving academic and workforce needs of Florida.  For decades, MDC has changed lives through education, and has helped develop generations of leaders who are now leaving a lasting impact on our community and beyond.

FCS institutions are an incredible source of pride in the Sunshine State, and the greatest instruments for success for all residents by providing an accessible, affordable and high-quality college education to anyone with the desire to learn.

These important and citizen-driven proposed changes to the Florida Constitution protect our state’s future and will ensure MDC and all state colleges remain steadfast in their mission to educate our state’s future leaders today.

Early voting begins on Oct. 22 and MDC has two convenient official locations, at the North Campus Library and Kendall Campus Room K-413. Early voting sites will remain open through Nov. 4.
