Miami Dade College to Host Two-Day Major Voter Registration Drive

Miami, Oct. 10, 2016 – Miami Dade College (MDC) will host a two-day voter registration drive Monday, Oct. 10, and Tuesday, Oct. 11., before the deadline to register to vote for the Nov. 8 General Election.  There will be registration tables and events at all MDC campuses, where students, faculty, employees, and the public can register to vote and receive information about the election process.

As Democracy’s College, MDC has been privileged to have a front-row seat to our nation’s democratic process, as we held numerous college-wide rallies, debates, and hosted Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates during this historic election cycle.

MDC is encouraging all those eligible to vote, who have not yet registered to do so Monday and Tuesday through the Department of Elections or numerous partners who will be staffing information and registration tables throughout all eight campuses.

For specific location of registration tables and events, please contact the MDC Call Center at 305-237-8888.