Miami Dade College Celebrates Women’s History Month

Miami, Feb. 27, 2019 – Throughout the month of March, Miami Dade College (MDC) will offer a variety of exciting, informative and fun events as part of Women’s History Month. This year, MDC will honor women who have led efforts to end war, violence, and injustice and pioneered the use of nonviolence to change society under the theme, Visionary Women: Champions of Peace & Nonviolence.

For generations, women have resolved conflicts in their homes, schools, and communities, rejecting violence as counterproductive and stressing the need to restore respect, establish justice, and reduce the causes of conflict as the surest way to peace. From legal defense and public education to direct action and civil disobedience, women have expanded the American tradition of using inclusive, democratic and active means to reduce violence, achieve peace, and promote the common good.

MDC will highlight exemplary women who developed nonviolent methods to ensure just and peaceful results such as Kathy Kelly, Co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence; Zainab Salbi, Founder and Former CEO of Women for Women International; Graciela Sanchez, Co-founder and Director of the Esperanza Peace & Justice Center; Deborah Tucker, President of the Board of Directors of the National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence; Dr. E. Faye Williams, President/CEO of the National Congress of Black Women and Sister Alice Zachmann, Founder and former Director of the Guatemala Human Rights Commission USA, to name a few.

From women’s rights and racial justice to disarmament and gun control, women have consciously built supportive, nonviolent alternatives and loving communities and advocated change. They have given voice to the unrepresented and hope to victims of violence and those who dream of a peaceful world.

All events are free and open to the community, unless otherwise noted, and will take place at MDC’s eight campuses. For a complete list of events, please visit