MDC’S North Campus Celebrates Earth Day 2020, With a Week of Virtual Activities

MIAMI, April 20, 2020Miami Dade College’s (MDC) North Campus observes the 50th anniversary of Earth Day with Virtual Earth day 2020, a celebration that extends from April 20-24 with daily events at 12 noon.

Virtual Earth Day 2020 brings together faculty, administrators, students, and the college’s Earth Ethics Institute as part of MDC’s ongoing commitment to the planet’s health aiming to educate and inspire the college community in driving change for global literacy, wellness, and sustainability. The week-long celebration includes digital submissions of students’ work, interactive events, lectures, and resources to promote environmental awareness and to support sustainable practices aimed to ensure the future of our planet.

“Fostering awareness in global sustainability and maintaining a deep respect for the Earth and all of its inhabitants has always been an important issue for us.  It is truly heartwarming to see the North Campus lead the way, even during challenging times, in promoting and engaging with principles that have a global impact. Virtual Earth Week 2020 is a historic event that builds on solid foundations and continues a legacy of Earth preservation efforts in educating our students and the community at large,”  said Dr. Malou C. Harrison, President of the North and Padron Campuses.

The inaugural Earth Day celebration in 1970 marked April 22 as a  day of reflection and action related to Earth Ethics. At that time, college and university students appealed to public consciousness and rallied for environmental causes. Through the decades, Earth Day has traditionally focused on topics paramount to maintaining life and well-being, globally such as pollution, conservation, sustainability, recycling, climate change, clean energy, endangered species, and food ethics.

Virtual Earth Day 2020 events are as follows:

Monday, April 20:  North Campus Earth Day Challenge

Learning Resources director Israel Sanchez will kick off the week and show how to propagate plants from existing plants. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to submit videos or pictures of a similar activity using the online submission form. Sanchez takes on the Propagate-a-Plant Challenge and invites participants to accept any of the North Campus Earth Day Challenges below:

  • Propagate-a-Plant Challenge
  • Plant-a-Tree Challenge
  • Go-Plant-Based Diet for a Day Challenge
  • Take-a-Nature Photograph Challenge

Tuesday, April 21: Movement Webinar with Dale Andree

Dale Andree, from the National Water Dance, will conduct a one-hour movement webinar designed to help connect our inner spirit with the earth. (Maximum Participants: 100)


Meeting ID: 977 7665 3280

One tap mobile: +13126266799,,97776653280# US (Chicago)

+16468769923,,97776653280# US (New York)

Wednesday, April 22: Guided Reading of Now That You Know: A Journey Towards Earth Literacy

MDC Professor Carlos Gonzalez will guide participants through a short reading selection from McGregor Smith Jr.’s book, “Now That You Know: A Journey Towards Earth Literacy,” and a guided ‘noticing’ exercise. (Maximum Participants: 100)


Meeting ID: 302 450 719

Password: Earth

One tap mobile: +19292056099,,302450719#,,#,601401# US (New York)

+13126266799,,302450719#,,#,601401# US (Chicago)

Thursday, April 23: Live presentation on the “Ethics of Food: From Farm to Table”

MDC Professor Darrell Arnold will guide a live presentation on the “Ethics of Food: From Farm to Table”


Maximum Participants: 250

 Friday, April 24: Readings of Earth-inspired Poetry

MDC Professors Brooke Bovee and Carmen Mise, Co-Chairs of MDC Poetry Month, along with other campus faculty, will read selections of Earth-inspired poetry. Participants are encouraged you to share their favorite Earth-inspired poem and share it using the online submission form.