President’s Innovation Fund Project Highlighted in Leading Educational Report

Faculty with poster
AIBIS Poster Display Launch , Dr. Milena Loubeau, Shamsha Karim, Dr. Rahnuma Ahsan, Dr. Richard Sarabia

The Artificial Intelligence for Business Innovation and Sustainability (AIBIS) project, created by Miami Dade College faculty, has been selected and published in the 2024 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report | Teaching and Learning Edition. EDUCAUSE is a leading organization with a focus on technology use in teaching and learning. Their report profiles the trends and key technologies and practices shaping the future of teaching and learning and envisions a number of scenarios for that future. It is based on the perspectives and expertise of a global panel of leaders from across the higher education landscape.

The report highlights AIBIS as an exemplar of embedding AI content in curriculum. Created by MDC’s Dr. Rahnuma Ahsan, Dr. Milena Loubeau, Shamsha Karim and Dr. Richard Sarabia, AIBIS was the recipient of a 2022 President’s Innovation Fund award.

The President’s Innovation Fund is a competitive grant program for full-time MDC faculty with the strategic goal of encouraging and supporting innovators to experiment with and develop evidence-based learning models that can be extended to other faculty and courses at MDC and beyond. The grant provided the faculty the opportunity to learn about AI, apply AI content to the curriculum in the Bachelor of Applied Science in Leadership and Management Innovation program and showcase student projects with AI content.

The President’s Innovation Fund aims to have a broad and lasting effect on student learning and success by supporting the implementation of High Impact Practices designed to accelerate academic excellence and innovation at the College. Eligible faculty projects align with the College’s 2021-2026 strategic goals and with the College Quality Enhancement Plan, to empower students to leverage artificial intelligence in educational programs. The program awards grants to projects that span across multiple campuses and diverse disciplines, highlighting the College’s commitment to creative thinking and collaboration. These projects also affirm the College’s belief that AI is for everybody and advancements in technology are transformational to the future of teaching and learning.