MDC community gathered at different campuses to remember and pay tribute to the victims and families of the Orlando tragedy.

School of Justice Sponsors “Goals Not Guns” Forum
Report presented by City of Miami Commissioner Frank Carollo advances ten recommendations to help curb youth violence in Miami-Dade County.

Family is Everything—Including LGBT
Congresswoman and family debut anti-discrimination Public Service Announcement featuring their transgender son.

Video: MDC President Eduardo Padrón at Aspen Institute
‘Symposium on State of Race in America’ explores new attitudes, opportunities and challenges for and about people of color in the U.S.

Earth Day 2016
Every day is Earth Day at Earth Ethics Institute which fosters awareness of global interdependence and the need to care for our planet.

MDC Hosts Presidential Debate on Wednesday
Univision News, The Washington Post and Facebook present a Democratic Presidential Primary Debate at MDC’s Kendall Campus