MDC North Campus Celebrates International Education/Global Education Month with Events in November

Miami, Nov. 18, 2020 – During the month of November, Miami Dade College’s (MDC) North Campus will celebrate International Education/Global Education Month with two events to learn about sociohistorical, geographical, and intercultural concepts through multicultural literature, social discourse, and community involvement. All events are free and open to the public.

Emmy Award–winning journalist and National Public Radio (NPR) anchor Maria Hinojosa will discuss her recently published memoir Once I Was You at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 18. The book tells Hinojosa’s story of growing up Mexican American on the south side of Chicago. She also portrays a vivid account of immigration detention camps and describes the history of US policy as it relates to attitudes towards outsiders. This event is sponsored by the Miami Book Fair and coordinated by the MDC North International Education Committee and Learning Resources. Join the event at Or Dial In #: 1-571-392-7650 PIN: 269 066 5085

Next, MDC will host the culminating event of the International Read-In Chain, which asks Miami- Dade residents of all ages during the month of November to read international literature to commemorate global education. This community-wide event will take place at 10 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 30 featuring North Campus President Dr. Malou Harrison reading a piece of Jamaican literature from her native country. Then, all participants across the county will join and discuss their favorite book in a virtual platform. This event is presented in partnership with MDC Kendall and Hialeah Campuses and is coordinated by the MDC North International Education Committee and Learning Resources. The top five readers at MDC North will be awarded a certificate and prize by Student Life. Join the event at

For More Information, please contact Dr. Marina Rodriguez at 305 237-1418 or Dr. Zoraya Cuesta at 305 237-1149.