Camilo Rojas, is a New World School of the Arts alumnus with a BFA in Graphic Design. The multidisciplinary designer, currently based in Miami, is presenting his solo exhibition titled CAMILO ROJAS: Power of unkNOWn at New World School of the Arts through December 20. Bringing typography to the foreground of his craft, Camilo often experiments with the art form by using words and letters as a visual medium to represent text in an innovative way and as an essential mean of expression. The show consists of a series of text-based mirrors and light sculptures that will confront the viewers with the duality of words, spelling out simple but intriguing phrases/questions drawing each person that encounters them to attend the act of looking inward.
“My intention with this spatial installation is to give a new form to letters in an expressive, harmonious, and skillful manner,” explained Camilo. “By linking reflective materials, hidden messages, repetition, and the double meaning of words, an environment of thoughtfulness and playful encounter will be created in the gallery setting.”

Camilo’s work has been presented at NWSA multiple times through the years since he graduated. Just two years ago, he donated a large-scale artwork to the school’s 30th Anniversary Alumni Art Auction, held at FAENA, which garnered additional funds for NWSA. In addition, he continues his involvement with visual arts students as a judge panelist for the NWSA college graphic design class, offering artistic and business of art advice based on his own successful career as an artist and an entrepreneur.
“It’s no surprise that Camilo is having a solo show at NWSA’s New World Gallery. It just seems like a natural evolution in his journey towards living design 24/7,” said Rosario Martinez-Cañas, Camilo’s graphic design teacher at New World School of the Arts. “His passion for what he does, is clear. His commitment and willingness to do whatever he needs to do to achieve his goals were obvious even as a student. NWSA is home for him and he continues to visit and share his journey since graduation with the next generation of design students. Way to go Camilo!”
Camilo agrees with his former teacher and mentor – “I never left. I’ve always been here. Always close to this institution that impacted and contributed to my career as a professional designer. Exhibiting here brings up a mix of feelings between happiness, excitement, fear, and pride. All emotions that have always challenged and forge me as an artist. This exhibition is about being vulnerable to inspire the public that has seen me grow and the new generation.”
About Camilo Rojas: Camilo Rojas is a multidisciplinary Designer and Creative Director based in Miami with a natural affinity with typography and use of the letter as an essential mean of expression. He graduated from New World School of the Arts in 2008 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts and Design and currently runs his studio CR-eate, effectively balancing concept, design, art, and function for people, brands and interior spaces worldwide. He also co-founded the Miami Startup Shoot My Travel. Typography is the starting point of Camilo’s work, and he often experiments with it as an art form. He seeks to represent the text in a new, creative way, whether it features calligraphy, lettering, a sculpture, a large-scale mural, or an installation. During the past few months, he has been studying and exploring with an aspect present in our everyday life, the tiring search for the self, identity, and essence by combining reflective elements, letters, and light. His work also evolves in response to a given situation or environment. The subject matter of each body of work determines the materials and the forms of the work. LEDs, mirrors, vinyl, neon, paint, found objects, mattresses, syringes, cigarettes, and yarn are just some of the materials used to incite reflection, inspire, motivate, enlighten, make a statement, or start a conversation.
About New World School of the Arts: New World School of the Arts has educated and trained a generation of artists who have become artistic leaders in their fields. Blind to academic standing, NWSA’s acceptance policy is based solely on artistic talent. Through its gifted emerging artists and unique artistic programs, accredited by the National Association of Schools of Dance, Music, Theater, Art & Design, NWSA has become an educational and creative beacon of the arts where students are encouraged to develop a personal, artistic, and aesthetic vision while mastering their own technical skills in traditional and new media. Areas of concentration for students seeking a four-year BFA college degree in visual arts at New World School of the Arts include drawing, digital media, graphic design, painting, photography and sculpture.
CAMILO ROJAS: Power of unkNOWn
On view through Dec. 20
New World Gallery
25 NE 2 Street, Miami
The show is free and open to the public.
New World School of the Arts was created by the Florida Legislature as a center of excellence in the performing and visual arts. It is an educational partnership of Miami-Dade County Public Schools, Miami Dade College and University of Florida.
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