Miami Dade College Selected to Participate in Second Cohort of IIE American Passport Project

Miami, April 26, 2022 – Miami Dade College (MDC) has been selected to participate in the second cohort of the Institute of International Education (IIE) American Passport Project. Through this initiative, 25 eligible MDC students who have never had a U.S. passport, will get one free of charge.  MDC was the only Florida higher education institution selected to receive this grant.

“Through this grant, Miami Dade College will move one step forward in closing the equity gap, in promoting access and study abroad educational opportunities to underrepresented college students, who comprise the majority of the diverse populations we serve”, said Dr. Michaela Tomova, Vice Provost of Academic Affairs, who oversees the Office of International Education at MDC.

Qualifying students must be 18 and over, U.S. citizens, be requesting a passport for the first time, be a first-year student (transfer students are eligible if it is their first year at MDC), and Pell Grant eligible.

In addition, applicants need to meet the diverse identity criteria, which may include any of the following:

Belong to a racial/ethnic minority; LGBTQIA+ students and gender diverse students; first-generation student (first in the family to attend or graduate from a college or university); students with disabilities; students with demonstrated financial need; veterans; non-traditional age students and students who have never traveled abroad among other.

As part of the grant proposal, the Office of International Education at MDC has pledged to assist nominated students to process their passport applications.

The IIE American Passport Project provides grants to U.S. colleges and universities so they can help students who are eligible for Pell Grants obtain a U.S. passport. The grant was first launched in Spring 2021 and is currently in its second cycle. Eligibility is limited to students in their first year at the institution to ensure that they have ample time to receive help from advisors to map out a study abroad plan. Each cycle, IIE selects 40 eligible U.S. institutions to receive the grant to support 25 students from their campus.

Established in 1919, the Institute of International Education (IIE) is a global not-for-profit that designs and implements international education strategies and program services. They work with governments, policymakers, educators, and employers across the globe to prepare students and professionals for the global workforce. With support from donors, they also create initiatives that assist students, scholars, and artists whose lives and work are threatened; expand teaching and learning across cultures; and provide opportunities to underserved populations. For more information please visit,